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Since most of the webpages I am working on are on the intranet and not publicly accessible verifying links with web-based tools is not flying. In addition to that I rely on Server-Side-Includes and CSS, and that makes many link verifying programs useless as well. So, HomeSite has an entry in the tools menu about verifying links with Linkbot, and after trying few different tools it's what I came down to. It's made by Watchfire, and they have several different level application. I got Linkbot 6.0 Personal Edition. It's really powerful program, with many strict requirements. They have some integration with HomeSite, but not at the level I was hopping for. On top of that Personal Edition has a limit of 1000 links, but even though it's a very little, there are ways to go around, thanks to the multiple filter options. If you are looking for similar tool, definitely try it.

Linkbot 6.0 Personal Edition

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